How I demonstrated Growth Mindset recently

6 min readSep 2, 2019


How I demonstrated Growth Mindset recently

How I demonstrated Growth Mindset recently

Hey , In this article am going to share my story on how I grown mentality recently , when people said you guys you’re still young . It’s because they don’t see any principle in your life. So you mighty built the Principle that guides your life. So let me share you some point that guide me in these days, it’s to keep commitments, stop trying to changes the people start by changing yourself, if somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back, try to accept people for who they are the will give peace of mind, trying to understand that everyone is right in their own perspective, realize that nothing is more important in this world than you and your family, understand that whatever you plan. Do everything for your own peace, stop proving to the world how intelligent you are, focus on positives in people, not seek approval from others, and stop comparing yourself to others. Starts make a peace in you, Start differentiates between Need and Want, and you can let go of your wants. Stop attaching Happiness to material things. Try to accept the situations and move on; don’t react to the behavior of insane people. Drop expectations from a relationship and give for the sake of giving. Walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, value, morals or self-worth. Remain silent in front of the fools this is the key point in journey of life I have study recently and in explanation of this point you will see how you will live in this life as a man or woman of honor and the world will gives you respect and start to learn anything from you.

Keep commitments and stay focus on your vision and fight for you passion, don’t let anyone challenges you vision stay fight. The people we honor and take as our mentor is people who don’t give up and even if is impossible they see it as possible even if is not easy they can do it, for example legson kayire at the time he was kid he dream to study in America and he was risen in poor family in Rhodesia and it was in time colonial ages , he start going in American with leg the only thing he have is maps and you can put a simple understand of the map of that time , and he start his walk with leg, he goes a millennial miles from his homeland up to Sudan where he take plane and you understand at that time African continent was a bush and forest and thee people at that time was no rule guided them it is a walk of a lot of trouble, but he never give up and you don’t give up and stay away of the myths that there are some one who will come to do your own plan set a vision for your life and never stop without make it.

Stop trying to changes the people start by changing yourself many time you spend time judge the mistake of others and start to teach them how they can behave, so let give an advice the time spending by thinking on how other people can change and judge them all the time saying too much. Review yourself and change everything can be burden in the way to achieve your goal. In conclusion I can say change you self and you change’s reflection will make other changes

When we are kid and you’re colleague or saying something that dis-graded, and you start to find something that can hurt them as they hurt you, so if somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back. Start to be positive and think that people hurt you because of the situation she/he was in so don’t let any single time spent for vengeance , and don’t store those stuff in your head anything bad people done on you.

Try to accept people for who they are the will give peace of mind, the people mistake are too much and having different character, so it means that everyone have his / her own character and those character they are bad and good so imitate the good things they have, that you don’t have also study how to live with them in peace and remember accept people for who is the philosophical things that shows maturity

So when a young get in the adolescence age they thinking that everything they think is right, and every action they done is to prove that he was right, so when you start to give advice you’re like an enemy and you don’t show then respect trying to understand that everyone is right in their own perspective is the good sign of maturity and even is not same as your perspective try to understand them and respect they ideas.

Realize that nothing is more important in this world than you and your family. Nothing in this world is important than you family some people 90% they life is spending with his or her family so when you’re kid you’re part of the family when you grow you rise a family, your own family so maturity is to understand that nothing is important family is where our life rooted. And better family it’s like heaven

So and maturity sign demonstrated on understand that whatever you do so you must understand the feedback of your action even understand that every action you make have negative impact and positive impact so make sure that you will understand the consequence of you action and make sure you will be able to handle the feedback.

Do everything for your own peace, here on the earth everything we do and even the school we attend is for having happiness and peace so doing everything you have and make sure is your that provide peace for you.

stop proving to the world how intelligent you are, the kid always show the friends and family that is intelligent because they think that they are weak and no one could show them a respect so you, you are not kid to prove that you are intelligent is like run behind the air so your action will prove that you are intelligent don’t take you time for convincing people that you’re intelligent never do that.

No one could push you to love someone and believe someone, so focus on positives in people, not seek approval from others so you are the one to choose someone to live with so no one who have could show you one to live with so , create atmosphere you can live with

Once am going to take my national id, a woman told me write somewhere and make sure that kept well and at that time I don’t realize what she told until I missed my id and going to find other and they ask me where your identification number is. So I said these in order to tell you that you are unique don’t compare yourself with any body and stop comparing yourself anyone else you’re unique.

Start make peace with you, no one could give you a peace the peace coming inside you , so you’re the one to making inner peace and you’re inner peace will spread to another , so try to reduce inner conflict

Start differentiates between Need and Want, and you can let go of your wants. This means that you must study how to prioritize things, so the prioritization in this life is crucial important things we have to do, so we have a lot to do and a lot of task to accomplish so try divide into part and prioritize what is important more than another.

Stop attaching Happiness to material things as mature people, material are not buying a happiness so this point too many people do not understand but when you understand materials and money are tools helps in life, at that time you are getting mature but is hard to understand.

Try to accept the situations and move on, we have different background and different history so don’t be the historical prisoner so to be mature is to move forward even if situation is not allowing you to move forward but try

Don’t react to the behavior of insane people let the foolish go and don’t waste time for nothing, and hide you emotion and, if is possible to show reaction hide it

To start journey with someone doesn’t means that you have giving her or he your life so remember that you own your life .Drop expectations from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.

In a conclusion walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, value, morals or self-worth, so as share this experience to you is not standard for grown you mental




Written by IRAKOZE Yves

Technical support engineer at Tekexpert

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