2 min readOct 31, 2021


Knowledge of current programming

We live in a modern society, as some refer to it, as a technological period in which the majority of people are interested in programming. However, they are still unsure of how to catch up and next step forward. So, in this article, I am going to present several programming languages that can assist anyone at any moment who has a passion for programming and web development. In web development, there are two major components that you can distinguish: frontend and backend. So, let me start with essential things you need to grasp in web development, front-end programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT are essential, as are backend programming languages such as Java, PHP, Python, and others.

So, let me begin by explaining the front end. The front end, in a nutshell, is the part of the application where the users interact with it, also known as the user interface. for example, when you open a window, you will see icons, images, and other elements that can direct the user to meet their expectations.

Backend is a part of the system where the programmer of the system puts the logic that controls the system or is an inner part of the system that only the programmer of the system knows about, such as databases and the system’s inner logic. To summarize, the front end is where users interact with the system, while the backend is where programmers write complex queries that control the system.

HTML stands for the hypertext markup language, which is a standardized technique for identifying text files in order to obtain font, color, and graphics that are utilized when creating an application.

CSS stands for cascading style sheets. CSS is a language for describing the appearance of a document written in a markup language such as HTML. When developing an application, CSS is an essential component.

Javascript is an object-oriented computer programming language that is used extensively in web applications to produce interactive effects.

PHP stands for hypertext preprocessor and is a free scripting language and interpreter that is mostly used on Linux webservers.

In charge of backend programming classes are used to define objects in Java programs, and methods are assigned to individual classes. Java is also known for being stricter than c++, requiring variables and functions to be explicitly defined.

In conclusion to this topic, I believe I was attempting to answer and provide a clear understanding of front-end and back-end programming, as well as providing guidance to someone who needs to begin their programming journey. back end languages are numerous, but I prefer to use popular languages such as Java and PHP. It is your own choice on which language to use and being expert in for the back end, but the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and Javascript is a must for the beginner who needs to start their programming journey.


